One of my favorite Modern African History lectures

I was going to share all of these great links on Twitter, but thought a single post might bring it all together.  This lecture on decolonization and Pan-Africanism in Ghana is one of my favorites to give in the Modern African History course because of the great videos and reading materials with which students can engage.

We open with a clip of war veteran Geoffrey Aduamah discussing his return to the Gold Coast Colony after serving in Burma during World War II (~8:30-9:40):

There is also this short color clip of Kwame Nkrumah’s independence speech:

and news footage of the 1958 All-African People’s Conference:

The students read a resolution of the 1958 All-African People’s Conference in Accra and several chapters from Kwame Nkrumah’s I Speak of Freedom (of which you can read a short excerpt here).

There are also great images available through @GhanaInPix and NYPL’s Africana Age:

View of Table Mountain from Bishop Colenso’s House, Natal

View of a Table Mountain from Bishop Colenso's House, Natal

“Painting 364”

Kicking off the new website & blog with this image of my research area from the Kew Marianne North Online Gallery. North visited Bishop Colenso’s home sometime during her 14 years of travel between 1871 and 1885. Her South African paintings are lovely, but I am of course partial to this one of Table Mountain.